Measure Usage, Not Users


Measure Usage, Not Users In pondering the size of your user base and whether it’s easy to get started, you should also consider how you measure usage. Notice that we said “usage,” not “number of installs”—you want a high number of users who use your product, not a high number of times people download your product. You’ll often hear someone say, “Hey, my product has had 3 million downloads—that’s 3 million happy users!” Wait; back up. How many of those 3 million users are actually using your software? That’s what we mean by “usage.” As an extreme example, how many machines is the Unix archive utility “ar” installed on? Answer: just about every Unix-based OS out there, including all versions of Linux, Mac OS X, BSD, and so on. And how many people use that program? How many even know what it is?

Link:: Debugging Teams

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