four flows of TameFlow


The scope of applicability of the TameFlow Approach is broad. The TameFlow Approach gains this flexibility because it focuses on four flows, namely: Operational Flow, Financial Flow, Informational Flow and Psychological Flow. In this book we will see different aspects of these four flows. Here are a few examples for whom the content of the book will prove very useful: You are a top level executive and you are drowning in information overload - with the Informational Flow you will receive only relevant information, when it is needed, with the right people involved, and you will be able to make timely quality management decisions. You are in charge of Agile and cannot figure out how to get top executives really engaged and supportive of your efforts - with Financial Throughput and in particular the techniques of Throughput Accounting you can show how operational decisions can directly and positively affect the bottom line. You are responsible for a number of projects and teams and need ways to coordinate efforts across all projects and teams - with Operational Flow, DBR Scheduling, and Management Signals you will have new tools. You are a team leader and need to get your people more engaged and aligned - with the Psychological Flow elements you can get your teams into a state of flow. You are an Agile Coach and need to “implement” some “scaling” of Agile methods - with the combination of the four flows you will discover that the TameFlow Approach can more easily resolve scaling problems (by actually being “scale-less” in virtue of its Mental Models).

Link:: Tameflow

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