People don’t know everything we can do to make things better


The customer knows most of their needs better than we do. But they don’t know all their needs better than we do. They’re domain experts, but we’re domain experts too. They might not realize that how much happier they’d be if our products are faster, more secure, more stable. They don’t see how the internal work we do has downstream effects that make it easier for us to help them better. Because they’re not as versed in the bullshit of software engineering as we are, they don’t know everything we can do to make things better. And they might not even realize it’s better until long after we improve things.


Какие у меня мысли по этому поводу в моменте?

Люди не знаю чего они хотят. Потому что они не знают, что можно сделать.

Надо ли связать с каким-то доступными заметками?

делай то что считаешь правильным