Постановка целей
Какие бывают цели
- Process goals:
- You need to master your processes before you can start promising yourself certain outcomes
- You learn and start to see results by being consistent, doing the right things, testing things and building your own systems and processes
- Process goals are the most critical as you begin your entrepreneurial journey
- These give you the room to grow and explore without being disappointed or discouraged
- Here is where you gain confidence in your abilities and research acumen
- The habits you form here will carry you over feeling unmotivated and uninspired (business does not care if you are uninspired, you lose momentum and you create waste)
- Performance goals:
- These help you master the quality of your processes
- These are your standards for your performance and the performance of those around you, you cannot unlearn this and it is powerful to have high standards
- Setting out to raise your performance little by little helps you grow and adapt and flex that growth mindset
- Having high standards gives you personal power and personal magnetism
- Outcome goals (last):
- These come with knowing the landscape and experience, which make these goals realistic and attainable
- These are based on data and experience, not idealistic wishes
- By now, you have mentors and have seen firsthand how to achieve these things so now it’s a matter of planning and execution
- You are aware of what you need to do to start fulfilling your vision.
- You can start stacking your success and see visible outcomes for your effort.
Фреймворки для постановки целей
- SMART - Goals must be Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Relevant, and Timely. This approach is used by HubSpot and forces you to focus on choosing goals that are possible for producing business results.
- OKRs - Goals are based on objectives you want to accomplish and the key results/metrics that must be achieved to reach the objective. Objectives are the things you want to achieve, and Key Results are the numbers you must hit to achieve the Objectives.
- BHAG - Big, Hairy, Audacious Goals
- Backward Goals
- One Word Goal Setting
- Locke and Latham’s 5 principles
- Tiered Goals Framework
- Golden Circle
- BSQ - Think Big, Act Small and Move Quickly.
- OGSM - Objectives, Goals, Strategies & Measures
- Goal Pyramid
- https://www.reddit.com/r/productivity/comments/fehnil/3_hacks_about_goalsetting_productivity/
- https://jamesclear.com/goal-setting
Дополнительные заметки
- [[202110081200 PACT goals]]
- [[202110081221 Different type of goals]]
- [[202201260958 Критерии для личных целей]]
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