Ivan Chernov
- 🇷🇺 🎧 Два Ивана - a podcast about IT & python.
- TS obsidian-advanced-new-file - plugin to create file in chosen folder for Obsidian.
- TS markdown-hashtags - hashtag panel for markdown files in Vs Code.
- 🇷🇺 Chernov sharit - link-blog with news from IT.
- 🇷🇺 🎧 Пятиминутка Python - a podcast about news in Python community.
- 🐍 Django-db-comments - add help_text to database schema in Django.
- 🇷🇺 Всратые хаты - ugly design in flats.
- 🇷🇺 🎧 Настольный случай - a podcast about board games.
- Guess repository language - quiz about language of trending GitHub repos.